"Oto-no volunteers, by the MP3" is reading service which a Hayamimi net sends to you. An MP3 file is downloaded, and it is heard always for nothing and can obtain. In addition, all the MP3 files of this page are read in exact and beautiful Japanese. Since file size is large, in the usual telephone line, download takes time.
However, it is said that the big advantage of MP3 can be repeatedly heard, without re-connecting with a network since it will be being able to save in its own personal computer once it downloads when you like always.
"although it seems to be pleasant, it seems to be slightly difficult somehow" -- please challenge, without saying such a thing. If it goes into the "MP3 reading file" table-of-contents page in the top page of a site, a work title to hear will be clicked. And please click the download button in the open page.
Although download is cooked by the ability doing, since it has replied also to the question of "how to be able to hear it if it carries out" exactly, please feel easy. The uneasier one should still ask even "Bulletin Board System -- BBS"You can also send us e-mail !
The feature of "Oto-no volunteers, MP3" is explained already slightly in detail.
Moreover, the qualities of sound also differ greatly. It is an in-stream playback system that it is to MP3 which is about the same quality of loud sound as CD in case sound goes out in a communication environment. The reading which made smooth in us the Hayamimi net, to the motto in recording special studio is distributed to a beautiful sound. Since it is the high file of a quality recorded with much trouble in recording special studio, I want to go by tone quality top priority. Moreover, as how to enjoy MP3, it can move from a personal computer to a flash memory etc., and can also be heard with a portable MP3 player. It is also told to the more unfamiliar one in an old person and a personal computer if it is by this method. Is it called the present of a memory? Although the problem referred to as that download takes time is holding, I want to go by tone quality top priority at any rate. Since the audition version and the division file were prepared until high-speed connection of a cable etc. became common for the time being, please try these. Moreover, it is devising also making the page of "if it can enjoy itself and obtain to anyone," the appearance whose correspondence is possible also for a voice browser and a site. |
It returns to the top page of a site.
Terminological Explanation. What is "MP3"? About MP3 The standard for compressing voice information. The extension (file suffix) of an MP3 file serves as ".mp3." The extension of ".mp3" is altogether attached to the mp3 file of this site. If OS is Windows, reproduction is possible at henceforth [Windows Media Player.6] and [Winamp ]. If OS is Macintosh, reproduction is possible at henceforth [Quicktime4.1] and [SoundJam MP]. It returns to the text. About streaming system Having connected with network reproduction system. Since the sound file of streaming reproduction, such as RealAudio, is asked to the network without connection, if you want to hear it from the start once again, it has only connected. file suffix (extension .ram.smil others) It tries listening by Real Player etc. It returns to the text. what is Recording Special Studio? Studio for pros using a digital equipment to inclusion and edit. It completely differs from the practice studio in a town. In "Downtown Studio", although musical work and musical inclusion are also carried out, especially the linguistic teaching materials CD are abundant in experience. Not to mention English, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mongolian, etc. amount to 21 nations. And it is to what and Sanskrit! It talks and monochrome is its favorite. It returns to the text. What is Hayamimi net? The name of the site currently managed by husband and wife. Taking advantage of "Downtown Studio" (recording special studio for pros) which a Hayamimi@husband manages, MP3 is distributed to a volunteer at full. Text-ization of each member's store is aimed at and it is under activity so that it may be scrupulous besides this site, the "Hayamimi net Shopping mall" which is a shopping center may be put side by side and a voice browser can also enjoy and obtain shopping. Let the "Hayamimi Navigator" of the role of mediation of both the above-mentioned sites be a main site. It returns to the text. About a click One of the operations with a mouse If it is those who use a voice browser, it will be operated by the "tab key" and an "enter key." It returns to the text. What is "Voice browser"? Software which reads out the text information on a homepage with the synthetic sound of a personal computer. You use making it usage's "Internet Explorer" and "Netscape" interlocked with. "homepage leader", "2000Reader", "VE2000", etc.
It returns to the text. |